Page 18 - Shorthorn Profile
P. 18
456 Te Wharau Road,
RD3, Masterton
David, Pip and Mitch Blackwood
inewaka is a 780 Ha hill country Son, Mitch, is now back on the farm of up to 500m a.s.l, the winters can
Hproperty, 20kms south-east of with his partner, Morgan, and their be quite limiting and snow is not
Masterton, in the Gladstone district. two young girls, Isla and Imogen. uncommon. Most years, cattle are
David and Pip are the fifth generation Being on the east coast of the North wintered on crops and fed baleage.
on the family farm and Shorthorns Island, the property is predominantly The main objective of the breeding
have been part of the cattle summer dry. Most years all surplus programme is to be commercially
operation since the very first days of lambs are fattened directly to the focused and breed cattle that will
farming the property, dating back to meat processors. Lucerne and fodder add real value to other farmers
the 1850s. crops are used widely. At an altitude operations.