Page 3 - Shorthorn Profile
P. 3
73 Mains Road, 022 470 2447 Carriganescattle
Brookside, RD2,
CARRIGANES Sarah O’Connell
Sarah O’Connell
started Carriganes Cattle in 2010 intramuscular fat followed by eye
I with the purchase of three in- muscle area, and rib and rump fat.
calf Angus cows. After a few years Birth weight with moderate growth Flat
breeding, I decided to branch into rates are important, always looking for
Shorthorn after spending two days breeding values at breed average or
in a car with a well-respected NZ better to continually be improving my 600mm
breeder, Bill Austin, who very easily herd and the breed in general.
twisted my arm to the red, white, and I enjoy the challenge of selecting
roan world of the Shorthorn cattle. genetics that will improve on what I 30 Beef cattle
My herd is small with Shorthorn, have, alongside ensuring my stock are 120 Dairy grazing cattle
Angus and Shorthorn Angus cross structurally sound and not too big for 15 Limousin Bulls
cattle. I am breeding for meat quality our flat, easy, country farm.
as my key trait, beginning with
How and when you sell your bulls: Past Sires: Sires for 2020:
Bulls are sold privately generally as Yamburgan Lockyer 50th Orena Output 17003
rising 1 year olds. With only 2 or 3 for Sprys Just a Legend (IMP Aus) Sprys Just a Legend
sale each year and a couple of return Rough Ridge Hamilton 31 Broughton Park Senator Y065
buyers, selling is never a challenge.